Sunday, November 29, 2009

The big bang theory - Islam is unmoderate. Blind of science!!

Owh...that's so not true.Islam is so not blind of science.In fact,Islam is the only religion which offers the greatest science which will amaze us the poor mankind who are so gullible and so innocent.
Below is my sort of a little briefing on the 'BIG BANG THEORY' which I have been eagerly wanted to tell this little someone who was also very eager to know about the theory which I adapt from Dr Zakir Abdul Karim Zakir Naik's book , " Qur'an and modern science-compatible or incompatible. And I hope that someone reads this article and hope you got something from this entry. Actually this is kind of my reply of a comment in youtube under the video of Stephen hawking's universe episode 2 - the big bang theory. Well,sometimes I just like to comment to some comments just for fun,just to fill my free time and just to screwing people's mind up. Well,occasionally,we have to spread the knowledge that we've got because our little tiny knowledge is not a bunch of jeweleries for us to keep safe in bank of,but it is a treasure to spread of.On top from that,we as a moslem CANNOT just hanging around keeping busy with nothing without spread a little Islamic teaching we've got in out life.So,this is a little Islamic thoughts I've had,so,I'm happy to share a lil bit with this friend of mine in youtube.ha3...
and for you (person who I met at the Malaysian 2009 PWTC book fair who wanted to take a bit of the book,may this help you even for little.)

okay,enough big talking,more commenting. Hope you like it. (My words weren't so comforting (a little rude). Well that was a late night onlining.) pardon me.Here we go.

-{me - sepultos}:
Hello my friend..what if I say to you that the Quran has already stated (mentioned) about this theory of big bang long time ago,I mean about 1400 years ago. Long before Albert Einstein has ever lived.Would you believe me then?

-{the commenter}:
Your going to pull out some highly skewed passage about "Travelling along its course"? Oh well, thats highly impressive, since Orbits were known about a couple of thousand years before Mohammed made the Koran up. And from THAT, you get the Koran explaining the Big Bang? Thats so laughable.

-{me - sepultos}:
Thanks for your concern tommiatkins.But actually I wasn't even going to point out the "Travelling along its course" thing. As I said earlier,I said Quran has stated about THE BIG BANG THEORY long before Einstein ever did.Whilst the Travelling along its course" isn't particularly about the subject matter. Do you even understand about 'big bang' as per this video is? I'm going to brief a lil bit of what is 'the big bang theory' is all about. (at least first,please google about the theory)

-{me - sepultos}:
(cont') According to big bang,(u can refer from wiki if don't trust me),the whole universe was initially one big mass,Primary Nebula.Then there was a 'Big bang'(Secondary separation) which resulted the galaxie.These then divided to form stars,sun,moon etc.This is pretty much about the big bang theory which once proposed by Georges Lemaître extracted from Einstein theory of relativity in 1927. Like I said,U can google it if you don't believe me.
to be continued.please wait.thank you very much

-{me - sepultos}:
(2nd last) So,it was back in 1927 the 1st time ever Georges Lemaître proposed the idea of the theory whilst I may say that Quran actually has already astoundingly stated about the 'big bang' 1400 years ago when people didn't even know how to built a telescope.Quran said in 21:30,"Do not the unbelievers see that the earth were JOINED together (as one unit of creation), before we CLOVE THEM ASUNDER?".How can Muhammed knew about the big bang theory 1400 years ago ?

-{me - sepultos}:
(last) Referring to the quran's sentence I just gave,the word 'JOINED' means the primary nebula and the word 'CLOVE (to part or split) THEM ASUNDER' means the Secondary separation.So,tell me tommiatkins,how in earth Muhammed knew about the big bang theory whilst it was only in 1597 did Sir Francis Drake discovered that the earth is spherical.He just got to know the shape of the earth when muhammad without even a telescope,he can know about the 'BIG BANG THEORY'.could u explain to me why?Please give me message.tq

That's all.For further explanation,please kindly ask me,I would love to explain to bits for you guys. And the picture given above also has briefed on the matter with astonishing sketch.

p/s: there is a running tv show named after the theory ,"the big bang theory".check that out.So impressive. Showing 4 brilliant geeky nerds living outside the 'box'.Do check this out.You'll be amazed how genius a US tv show could be.

With regards,

Bandar Baru Bangi,
November 29th 2009.

Friday, November 27, 2009

El clasico 2009/2010 - The classy derby of a fiercy rivalry

Wait thee shall.
For the derby we waited.
Epic it will.
Should Blaugrana stabs,
the bernebeu's visitor right in the chest?
Indeed with mine heart always is there,
the astounded Barcelona of the Cataluña so it is.
November 29th 2009 shall we see.
For the eminent vigor of the decade shall we seek.

Bandar Baru Bangi,
November 27th 2009.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

November 26th 2009 - Thanksgiving vs 'Eiduladha

Waddup guys,

Happy thanksgiving to all American and whoever is celebrating it and happy Eiduladha to all Moslem all around the world. Happily to state here that amazingly,we are celebrating these two annual celebrations at the same day. Amazing huh? Well actually in Malaysia,the Eiduladha (at this exact moment I'm writing this entry) will be celebrated on November 27th 2009 whilst the Thanksgiving day in according to American public holiday is on this exact November 26th 2009. However,in Islamic calendar,as the sundown strikes the day on november 26th,its already eiduladha day for Moslem. You know what I meant by that.

Saudara-saudaraku yang sedang membaca,

Saya perhatikan ianya sesuatu yang mengujakan di mana Allah memberikan kita dua perayaan sekaligus untuk dihargai dan disemati oleh penyambut perayaan 'Thanksgiving' dan juga Eiduladha oleh para muslimin di seluruh dunia. Di bawah adalah serba sedikit tentang perayaan 'Thanksgiving' tersebut yang umumnya diraikan oleh rakyat Amerika. Marilah kita pelajari serba sedikit tentang perayaan kebudayaan mereka kerana ini juga adalah ajaran Islam di mana kita dikehendaki mempelajari dan saling kenal mengenali antara satu sama lain. Allah has indeed created men and women in so complex manner with different types one to another,different culture to another,different skin color to another,and why is that? Its nothing more than for us the mankind, to get to know with each other,to socialize with another and understand the culture of others so that we can run this world happily and peacefully. After all,we all were come from the same fatherhood weren't we?

Supaya mengelakkan kekeliruan (yang mana ramai umat muslim di Malaysia masih keliru), 'thanksgiving' yang umumnya diketahui oleh ramai rakan-rakan muslim Malaysia saya, 'Thanksgiving' adalah perayaan keagamaan oleh penganut kristian. Di sini saya ingin menyebut selepas pemerhatian dan pencarian oleh saya sendiri,saya mendapati perayaan ini bukanlah seperti yang dicanangkan. Betul,pada awal penciptaan perayaan ini,ia sememangnya disandarkan dengan kepercayaan agama kristian,akan tetapi ianya sekarang sudah ditukar selepas beberapa generasi sebagai perayaan tahunan untuk mensyukuri dan menghargai nikmat-nikmat yang telah dan sedang kita nikmati hari ini. Ianya mula diadakan oleh rakyat Amerika di Polymouth Plantation pada tahun 1621.Ianya sebelum ini lebih dikenali sebagai 'Harvest day' mungkin kerana perayaan untuk menyambut musim menuai oleh petani-petani pada tahun tersebut. Penerangan tentang perayaan 'Thanksgiving' ini seperti yang terdapat dalam penelitian saya adalah, "Traditionally, it (Thanksgiving day) is a time to give thanks for the harvest and express gratitude in general". Jadi ini adalah sedikit sebanyak tentang perayaan oleh rakyat Amerika khususnya dan beberapa lagi negara yang telah menceduk sedikit amalan perayaan itu seperti Kanada,Belanda dan tidak kurang juga segelintir rakyat Malaysia. Jadi jelaslah sekarang bagi kita di mana 'Thanksgiving' pada zaman sekarang tidak lain tidak bukan adalah hanya perayaan sekular dan bukan keagamaan kristian seperti yang kita faham sebelum ini. Ia adalah perayaan yang mulia yang menuntut kita mensyukuri segala nikmat yang kita perolehi yang telah Allah berikan kepada kita.Dan ini juga telah lama terdapat di dalam ajaran Islam yang mana mengajar kita supaya mensyukuri segala pemberian yang kita perolehi.

Akan tetapi ingin saya tegaskan di sini bahawa agama Islam mengajar lain dari apa yang penyambut-penyambut perayaan 'Thanksgiving' fahami. Betul,Islam mengajar kita untuk mensyukuri nikmat yang kita perolehi. Akan tetapi hebatnya agama Islam ini,ia bukan sahaja mengajar kita supaya bersyukur,akan tetap supaya juga dengan itu,bersedekah dan berkongsi sedikit lebihan nikmat-nikmat yang kita peroleh itu dengan mereka-mereka yang lain. Inilah yang diajar oleh Islam didalam perayaan 'Eiduladha' yang kita sambut hari ini.Inilah yang mengagungkan Islam disamping perkara-perkara lain.Di samping mensyukuri nikmat kita,Islam mengajar umatnya supaya berkorban dengan erti kata mengeluarkan sedikit harta yang diperolehi dan disampaikan untuk dikongsi dengan umat yang lain dengan korbannya daging binatang (yang boleh dimakan) dengan ikhlasnya.Jelas bagi kita,'Thanksgiving' dan 'Eiduladha' ada persamaannya iaitu mengajar kita mensyukuri nikmat dan pemberian yang Allah kurniakan kepada kita.Akan tetapi,hebatnya Islam,ia bukan sahaja mengajar teori pensyukuran nikmat tersebut,tetapi turut mengajar cara praktikalnya bagaimana untuk menunjukkan rasa bersyukurnya kita dengan nikmat tersebut dengan pengorbanan dan perkongsian yang kita sedekahkan.Islam adalah lengkap bukan sahaja dari segi teori,malahan amalinya sekali.

Thanksgiving vs 'Eiduladha mana satu yang lebih lengkap? Satu perayaan dicipta oleh manusia,yang satu lagi diajar oleh Allah, Tuhan yang Maha sayang akan makhluknya.
Selamat 'Eiduladha' dari saya kepada semua Muslim seluruh dunia dan juga happy Thanksgiving to all American who reads my blog.You are the best. Dan semoga sesiapa yang mendapat manfaat dari entry saya ini,moga dapat disebarkan kepada semua penyambut perayaan 'Thanksgiving',anda memang mantap kerana telah mempelajari dan mengamalkan satu perayaan yang theoretically nya memang bagus,akan tetapi pelajarilah pengajaran yang terdapat dalam 'Eiduladha,nescaya InsyaAllah ianya lebih mantap dan mencakupi keseronokkan dan membawa manusia ke satu keadaan di mana yang kaya mensyukuri lebihan nikmat yang diperolehinya.Tetapi bukan itu sahaja,si kaya juga berkehendak untuk berkongsi nikmatnya dengan kawan dan rakan- yang lain. Alangkah indahnya hidup ini.

Good weekend brother.

Bandar Baru Bangi,
November 26th 2009.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Different world - Spot the differences

Just spot between those two pictures. Top picture is taken in 2009,picture of Najib and his crew of 1Malaysia whilst the bottom picture is taken during Gaza 2009 war with Israel showing one of its (HAMAS) troops after a blast. Btw, for the woman on the very right in the top picture,nice hair tho. so long.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Brave new world - You go Sir

Perlis former Mufti ,As-Sohibus As-Samahah Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin had been detained by Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) on november 1st 2009 due to the a claim of him having given thought without the official approval of JAIS. Below are some profile of the detainee : B.A (Hons) B. Arab/Syariah University Of Jordan, M.A Islamic thought , USM, Ph.D Al-Quran And Sunnah Studies, UIA (2003), received 5 sanads through Indian Islamic scholars (2001), honourly received Anugerah Maal Hijrah Peringkat Negeri Perlis 1427H & 1429 as well as Tokoh Ma’al Hijrah USM for the year 1430H.

Heh. This is sure kind of a joke made by the authority isn't it? Could you kindly compare those profile I've given just know with a picture below,which I proactively think that JAIS may have just passed by. Ya,it could be they have so much to do. Take a sight on below's picture. TQ

Akon's skin-touchable concert in KL on
Oct 24th 2009 has either got JAIS approval
or they may have overlooked at it. Maybe.

Bandar baru bangi,
2nd November 09.

Hallowed be thy name - A tribute to Aaliyah Aiman Hussin Abdullah parte 2

Greetings for thy readers,

Here I am trying to accomplish this perhaps 3 parts of tribute article for our late Aaliyah Aiman Hussin Abdullah who had gone due to the lack of humanity of some darn absurd people happen to live in our world. One word for the people who don't have heart for this poor little child who killed this cutie, getalifedude!

I've stated on my first tribute article that i'm gonna write this second article which would give us an amazing experience to suprisingly try to understand the feeling of a person who has been sentenced to death through the ferociously scary gallows pole. This is with God's willing will be the punishment for the killer of our Aaliyah. If it has been finalized by the court. We will have to pray for the justice to play its role efficiently in the journey to prevail peace on earth. InsyaAllah.

My dear readers, (yeah,its you in front of this computer),

in my way searching for the perfect way to guide you for the trip or may i call a journey to enlighten the feeling of a soon to be executed convicted felon,I've got this superb song named 'Hallowed be thy name' to be the main theme of our article. It's a classic heavy metal song by a group named Iron Maiden of British. It's not how good the song that I want to share about,but the astonishing song's lyric which geniusly briefs on the subject matter,the feeling of a soon to be executed person. It's simply a song with the story line subjected with the feeling of a person who soon to be executed by hanging on the gallows. It describes his own feeling just like he is telling his feeling to himself. It is indeed really offers a magnificent lyric for us to ponder on the feeling of having to know that your angel of death is just coming up for you in just a minute. It will be epic and fulfillment. Below is the lyric of the song and I'll be describing the meaning of the song as per my view of my gullible mind.

Hallowed be thy name - lyric

I'm waiting in my cold cell, when the bell begins to chime.
Reflecting on my past life and it doesn't have much time.
'Cause at 5 o'clock they take me to the Gallows Pole,
The sands of time for me are running low...

Running low--ooohhh...
When the priest comes to read me the last rites,
I take a look through the bars at the last sights,
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me.

Can it be that there's some sort of error?
Hard to stop the surmounting terror.
Is this really the end, not some crazy dream?

Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming,
It's not easy to stop from screaming,
But words escape me when I try to speak.
Tears flow but why am I crying?
After all I'm not afraid of dying.
Don't I believe that there never is an end?

As the guards march me out to the courtyard,
Somebody cries from a cell "God be with you".
If there's a God then why does he let me go?

As I walk my life drifts before me.
Though the end is near I'm not sorry.
Catch my soul, it's willing to fly away.

Mark my words believe my soul lives on.
Don't worry now that I have gone.
I've gone beyond to see the truth.

When you know that your time is close at hand,
Maybe then you'll begin to understand
Life down here is just a strange illusion.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...Hallowed be Thy name
Yeah, yeah, yeah...Hallowed be Thy name

(November 4th 2009)

Hey guys. Welcome aboard and I'm finishing this concise discovery on Gallows' fiery death of angel. Lets get it started,in here. First of all, the principal issue matters in the song is about the feeling of an imprison who is about to be executed by Gallows. It outlines most of the stages one feels when he knows that he is about to die.

Quoting from the very first line of the lyric, "I'm waiting in my cold cell.......reflecting on my past life and it doesn't have much time" clearly describes the felon is behind the bars in his cell's in prison and his mind is flown away thinking of what he has done in his life while the death of him is just about to happen (he is going to be executed,he knows that). while the second quote, "cos at 5 o'clock they take me to Gallows pole,the sands of time for me are running low" is indeed showing that the situation is taken place during older time when the civil still counting on sand time to estimate the approx time.

As the first stage of fear of the death is taking over,the convicted starts to recall his past time as the priest starts to read him religious things. " when the priest comes to read me the last rites,I take a look through the bars for the last sight of the world that has gone very wrong to me". He starts to review of his past and starts to blame his unfortunate fate which has brought him to the darkest world. "can it be there some sort of an error hard to stop the surmounting terror is it really the end not some crazy dream" would bring us to comprehend the second stage of death fright which is the common thing for a convicted,the denial.He tries to find whether there is some errors in his prosecution which could lead him escapes the gallows.

Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti , former president of Iraq before being hanged in april 9 ,2003. I don't really know you in person, but my heart keep telling me that you are a soldier. May Allah bless you Sir. Alfatihah.

Human nature has brought the felon to where he belongs,being a human. After years of living in the darkest world which 'has gone very wrong to him' , he eventually end up as a person who has such a dark cold chaotic heart. The very good life gone bad has really taught him afraid of nothing as well as the death. Hence,the chaotic life of him has gradually turned him into a brave rebellious man without nothing to be afraid of. Nonetheless, when the death really faces him, he surprisingly couldn't help his feeling a little fear of the upcoming death."somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming it's not easy for me to stop from screaming but my words escape me when I try to speak" It's beyond his emotional control. He once a brave chaotic mind who didn't afraid of nothing now can not do anything to control his fear of the death. The next line strengthen the uncontrolled feeling, "tears flow but why am I crying after all I'm not afraid of dying don't I believe that there is never an end".

My dear fellow readers, (yeah you,of course.)

The next stage a person who is going to be executed is that he then denies the faith of he has been nagged in his life. "as the guard march me out to the courtyard somebody cries from the cell God be with you , if there is a God why has he let me go" states the denial of God which in his opinion if there is really a God who loves you,why do He wants him to die in such way. He is supposed to be the savior a not letting that happen to him. In the middle of the convicted internal dying dilemma, he then willingly letting the guard to march him to death as there is no other option but he clearly doesn't feel sorry of what had happened as he states, " As I walk my life drifts before me. Though the end is near I'm not sorry.Catch my soul, it's willing to fly away."

The poor death man then ultimately finds God and plea Him to for his soul to live on and sent to heaven and he is now has found the religion ,the truth or the light we might say just before he is going to be hang as I quot ," Mark my words believe my soul lives on.Don't worry now that I have gone. I've gone beyond to see the truth." The final three lines of the epic song then cite that when someone is in the man's situation,it will bring the explanation of why we are sent here in this world and what is the relation between living in the world and the hereafter, it will guide someone to understand the meaning of life ,of how short it is and how we have to appreciate the grace that God has bestowed upon us. These are all the contents of the last three lines , " When you know that your time is close at hand, Maybe then you'll begin to understand Life down here is just a strange illusion. "

I would like to bring all of us to ponder on what life is meant to us,whether it's just a world where we think only about ourselves , do God send us to think just to fulfill our needs neglecting the others life. Could we be jaywalking on the street laughing with a beautiful smile whilst our brother in Palestine don't even know how to make a joke. These are all a bunch of some vital things we have to consider about while we are here reading this article (which I don't think there is anyone here to read,but if you really are reading this article right now,wth are you doing man? get a life dude.lmao) Nevertheless, I still don't have any clue who has killed our Aaliyah Aiman , the poor child who didn't be given the opportunity to have a perfect life of her own. That innocent girl had all the right to have a perfect simple life when that shmuck pulled out her from the sweet dream. Apart from that, I also still couldn't think any simple clue of how a person would have a guts to kill that girl.How could the person. She was one of our perspective leader sooner. Wise saying said that " youth of today is the leader of tomorrow". What in hell has got into you filthy animal. ? How dare you take that child out. However, we couldn't do nothing,only leave to God to show us the truth and let us stand tall together and please,keep your strenght all out and lets prevail peace on earth. Its just the only way to be thankful of the life we have. Thats all for the parte 2 in the tribution of our beloved Aaliyah Aiman Hussin Abdullah. Whose ever has read up to this particular line, you are really trully clearly don't have anything to do right now aren't you? anyway,thanks for the time. This is not really a good article but,this is the best I could do right now and I'm sure as time drifted past me,I will be a then better man. Thank you again and so long.

Bamdar baru bangi,
November 5th 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Trooper - Special 11 forces in Hutan lipur Jerangkang

Hell ya I just got back from this remarkable tour with friends i knew from my uncle,the man with the cap sitting on the rock (bottom picture) .See the man on the center? I'm the man in army's clothe . 31.10.09 to 01.11.09. we climbed from the base about 2 hours before reaching the 20th pond of all 40's number of ponds all the way up at this forest. We only could get to the 20th ponds as it is the highest pond that provide a camp site. Viva Jerangkang dalam almari.

Me at the top of the so called air terjun
lima kolam. Freakishly amazing freeling.

My amazing uncle with his 'wth' rod.
Ehm,he got nuthin.

That's all for now for you,

Bandar Baru Bangi,