Monday, November 2, 2009

Brave new world - You go Sir

Perlis former Mufti ,As-Sohibus As-Samahah Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin had been detained by Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) on november 1st 2009 due to the a claim of him having given thought without the official approval of JAIS. Below are some profile of the detainee : B.A (Hons) B. Arab/Syariah University Of Jordan, M.A Islamic thought , USM, Ph.D Al-Quran And Sunnah Studies, UIA (2003), received 5 sanads through Indian Islamic scholars (2001), honourly received Anugerah Maal Hijrah Peringkat Negeri Perlis 1427H & 1429 as well as Tokoh Ma’al Hijrah USM for the year 1430H.

Heh. This is sure kind of a joke made by the authority isn't it? Could you kindly compare those profile I've given just know with a picture below,which I proactively think that JAIS may have just passed by. Ya,it could be they have so much to do. Take a sight on below's picture. TQ

Akon's skin-touchable concert in KL on
Oct 24th 2009 has either got JAIS approval
or they may have overlooked at it. Maybe.

Bandar baru bangi,
2nd November 09.

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