Sunday, November 29, 2009

The big bang theory - Islam is unmoderate. Blind of science!!

Owh...that's so not true.Islam is so not blind of science.In fact,Islam is the only religion which offers the greatest science which will amaze us the poor mankind who are so gullible and so innocent.
Below is my sort of a little briefing on the 'BIG BANG THEORY' which I have been eagerly wanted to tell this little someone who was also very eager to know about the theory which I adapt from Dr Zakir Abdul Karim Zakir Naik's book , " Qur'an and modern science-compatible or incompatible. And I hope that someone reads this article and hope you got something from this entry. Actually this is kind of my reply of a comment in youtube under the video of Stephen hawking's universe episode 2 - the big bang theory. Well,sometimes I just like to comment to some comments just for fun,just to fill my free time and just to screwing people's mind up. Well,occasionally,we have to spread the knowledge that we've got because our little tiny knowledge is not a bunch of jeweleries for us to keep safe in bank of,but it is a treasure to spread of.On top from that,we as a moslem CANNOT just hanging around keeping busy with nothing without spread a little Islamic teaching we've got in out life.So,this is a little Islamic thoughts I've had,so,I'm happy to share a lil bit with this friend of mine in youtube.ha3...
and for you (person who I met at the Malaysian 2009 PWTC book fair who wanted to take a bit of the book,may this help you even for little.)

okay,enough big talking,more commenting. Hope you like it. (My words weren't so comforting (a little rude). Well that was a late night onlining.) pardon me.Here we go.

-{me - sepultos}:
Hello my friend..what if I say to you that the Quran has already stated (mentioned) about this theory of big bang long time ago,I mean about 1400 years ago. Long before Albert Einstein has ever lived.Would you believe me then?

-{the commenter}:
Your going to pull out some highly skewed passage about "Travelling along its course"? Oh well, thats highly impressive, since Orbits were known about a couple of thousand years before Mohammed made the Koran up. And from THAT, you get the Koran explaining the Big Bang? Thats so laughable.

-{me - sepultos}:
Thanks for your concern tommiatkins.But actually I wasn't even going to point out the "Travelling along its course" thing. As I said earlier,I said Quran has stated about THE BIG BANG THEORY long before Einstein ever did.Whilst the Travelling along its course" isn't particularly about the subject matter. Do you even understand about 'big bang' as per this video is? I'm going to brief a lil bit of what is 'the big bang theory' is all about. (at least first,please google about the theory)

-{me - sepultos}:
(cont') According to big bang,(u can refer from wiki if don't trust me),the whole universe was initially one big mass,Primary Nebula.Then there was a 'Big bang'(Secondary separation) which resulted the galaxie.These then divided to form stars,sun,moon etc.This is pretty much about the big bang theory which once proposed by Georges LemaƮtre extracted from Einstein theory of relativity in 1927. Like I said,U can google it if you don't believe me.
to be continued.please wait.thank you very much

-{me - sepultos}:
(2nd last) So,it was back in 1927 the 1st time ever Georges LemaƮtre proposed the idea of the theory whilst I may say that Quran actually has already astoundingly stated about the 'big bang' 1400 years ago when people didn't even know how to built a telescope.Quran said in 21:30,"Do not the unbelievers see that the earth were JOINED together (as one unit of creation), before we CLOVE THEM ASUNDER?".How can Muhammed knew about the big bang theory 1400 years ago ?

-{me - sepultos}:
(last) Referring to the quran's sentence I just gave,the word 'JOINED' means the primary nebula and the word 'CLOVE (to part or split) THEM ASUNDER' means the Secondary separation.So,tell me tommiatkins,how in earth Muhammed knew about the big bang theory whilst it was only in 1597 did Sir Francis Drake discovered that the earth is spherical.He just got to know the shape of the earth when muhammad without even a telescope,he can know about the 'BIG BANG THEORY'.could u explain to me why?Please give me message.tq

That's all.For further explanation,please kindly ask me,I would love to explain to bits for you guys. And the picture given above also has briefed on the matter with astonishing sketch.

p/s: there is a running tv show named after the theory ,"the big bang theory".check that out.So impressive. Showing 4 brilliant geeky nerds living outside the 'box'.Do check this out.You'll be amazed how genius a US tv show could be.

With regards,

Bandar Baru Bangi,
November 29th 2009.

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